Adventure Sauce


Benjamin Jenks from Adventure Sauce

Adventure Sauce is a risky, playful, and purposeful way of doing things that adds fun and wisdom to your life.

Or another way to think about it is…

If your life were represented by an empty wok, you would add vegetables and meats as all the relationships, jobs, travels, hobbies, and things you do. But without sauce your stirfry is going to be pretty bland and boring… in fact, you might not even eat it. By adding Adventure Sauce, you make life delicious and nourishing.

How “exactly” do your make money to “fund” your lifestyle/travels ?

I write freelance articles (mostly dating advice), I coach people on how to be more confident, I’ve created and ran a two courses (one about how to make a mini-viral video and another about taking action).

If you can change anything about your decision, what would it be ?

Make more videos and write less from the beginning (aka align my business model with my strengths).

What does success mean to you ?

Success means: A. Having a business that gives me freedom to live in badass places, the ability to express myself, and buy tasty healthy food. B. Surrounding myself with people who are open, loving, and moving at a similar pace.

What makes you happy the most ?

Creating a movie I love… and then connecting with others are moved by it. AND those moments in life when I am rewarded for pushing through the dark times, growing, and I can see how all of my experiences are important.

Benjamin is an awesome dude from Adventure Sauce.